Monday, 5 December 2011

New story and Research

Here's another story I have written for O'Naturals, I hope you enjoy it as its actually a true story. This week is eventful one for me and I'm just anticipating. Its a rush but also a tad nerve wrecking. I hope your week is filled with laughter and pleasant surprises.

Next post I should be able to give you more information on Fibromyalgia to educate you on it. I tell you, doing research on it has been quite fascinating because many doctors over here in Bolton have never heard about it or know very little so believe me, I had to go find the expert on this condition and there's so much to know.

Well God bless my dears and have a really fabulous week. x


Original Mgbeke said...

Nice one, I left a comment over there. That post definitely triggered memories of getting my hair did as young'un. Haha!

Original Mgbeke said...

Oh btw, I really enjoyed your comment on my most recent post. Very enlightening, and I love your attitude. Thanks a lot for reading, and I promise to try and update more often :)

Pepperz said...

OM! Na you be dis? I swear, you have no clue as to how I love your blog. I am honored o and I'm glad the story did its job.
I guest blog on the site O'Naturals so I'll be there last or first blog of the month.
I'm holding you to your promise ;) and keep reading. God bless